About Us
ClearH2O Tackle | Fishing and Hunting Gear
We are a fully stocked retail location that can outfit your fishing tackle needs. We specialize in putting together packages that are tailored toward your specific specs and budget. The use of our broad product base, knowledge of products we stock and products that are available, combined with personal fishing experiences allows us to help accomplish your fishing goals.
We also offer a special order process for anything we have access to through our over 20 wholesalers and private dealers/reps that we work with. Anything from terminal tackle to rods and reels and all of the lures and baits in between. Our product line also includes items like electronics, trolling motors, downriggers, boat rigging accessories (such as rod holders, track systems, etc.), and just about anything else you may have a need for.
Full Service Line Spooling
Another service offered is custom line spooling. We work off of bulk spools to save you money and get your line spooled correctly using our commercial line spooler. Whether it is simply monofilament you need, fluorocarbon, braid, fused line, wire, leadcore, or copper line we have you covered and have the knowledge to get you on the water with what you need/want and with the confidence to know it is done correctly and will perform to your standards.
Not just a tackle shop, also a bait shop-remember we fish and use bait too and value the importance of having the right bait. Live Bait available (seasonal variety) during store hours or arrangements can be made otherwise if needed.
Not Just Fishing Gear
Fishing is not where we stop...we also stock and have available hunting and outdoor gear. Things like crossbows and gear, ammo, muzzleloaders and gear, archery equipment and gear, thermacell units/refills, and many camping supplies are in-stock and available through our special order process.

Meet the Owner
I started ClearH2O Tackle in 2011 continuing my pursuit of a lifelong addiction to fishing and the outdoors. Growing up on a small creek in the same town the shop is located I started fishing at a very young age that passion and habit continues to this day. Regardless of the species or the location bending a rod and hearing drag sing is what drives me and in turn expands the product line and knowledge base.
Bass fishing was my first focus based upon what was locally available and learned in magazines and on TV, and I still enjoy that whether it be a tourney setting or just looking for a lunker with the kids.
While in college I discovered steelhead fishing and became very involved in chasing chromers around the rivers in MI, IN, OH, PA, and NY. That evolved into fishing the piers for salmon, trout, and steelhead and then onto the back of a boat trolling the Great Lakes and competing in tournaments. Still do all of these things to this day and let the season and the feeling dictate what to pursue when. In the past few years with the addition of my three children my fishing focus has shifted again and I try to involve them in my passion as well-and they love it!
Winter is no time to stop fishing and ice fishing is a great source of getting my fix. I love chasing bluegills and running tip-ups for pike locally. I also travel yearly around the Midwest hitting different bodies of water for a variety of species ranging from walleye, trout, pike, perch, whitefish, and even eelpout.

About 8 years ago I took my first saltwater trip and have grown to love chasing snook, redfish, trout, and tarpon inshore. Also have done some goliath grouper fishing which is an incredible experience. Still lots I intend to do in the saltwater before I hang up a rod, and if the Great Lakes ever take a dive I’m moving to Florida!
We Use What We Sell
I would be neglecting a big part of my story if I did not mention a couple of the people and places that have been a major piece of my fishing puzzle. I am blessed with a very supportive mother and father who encouraged me in my younger years and made it possible for me to fish. Both of my grandfathers also sparked my fishing career. I lived next door to one who took me fishing (and to the bait store), he taught me how to clean fish and helped me become a more accomplished pan fisherman. My other grandfather moved to Florida and we bass fished a lot down there and I learned much of my bass base from him. We have a family cabin in Minnesota on a lake bordering the BWCA that I have spent many weeks at exploring different lakes and pursuing a wide variety of fish…it is my favorite place on this great earth and fishing with my dad, uncle, and other family up there is a special time year after year.
Hunting started when I was in college with some wonderful mentors from northern Michigan met while attending Central Michigan University. That habit continues with bow hunting whitetails being my favorite type of hunting, but the majestic Michigan gun hunting opener, turkey hunting, trips to South Dakota for pheasants, and many more hunting adventures are on the bucket list.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or if you just want to talk fishing. Feel free to take advantage of using me as a resource-I am here to help and love learning about different things as much as I love teaching and helping people to become better anglers and outdoorsman.
Tight Lines!